
At Nedalpac, we are well aware of the high standard of quality that is essential across the whole chain. We are proud to say that our food safety and quality system is certified at the highest level, based on various recognised quality systems such as QS, SKAL and IFS (higher level). 

Nedalpac attributes this high standard to the quality department amongst others. Not only does this important link have a monitoring function, but a supportive and advisory role too. Because quality begins at the source, it is important for us to maintain intensive contact with suppliers in respect of quality developments. In addition, we work closely with our clients to improve quality in the chain. 

We inspect the products supplied at different points in the process. This is done by our quality specialists. In addition, external institutions carry out various quality controls. The Quality Control Bureau (KCB) is one such example.  

From grower to client: checks are conducted throughout the whole process. At Nedalpac, you can count on quality of the very highest standard!

Our Quality control certificates may be downloaded here

